Work undertaken

Work started in July 2017 consisting of clearing the seriously invasive growth that was both undermining the motte and overwhelming the masonry remains.

This job was complex because since being abandoned to mother nature, trees of significant size, notably maple and ash, took possession of the castle, occupying and seriously threatening the stability of both walls and the motte. In addition to mature trees, vegetation of all sorts had overgrown the entire site and was gradually removed thanks to the huge efforts of volunteers from the association and intervention by professional foresters.

This phase was to be a long one taking several years. Ivy – that devastating vegetal serpent had invaded the walls to a significant height, tightening its grip on mortar and weakening it. In two years, the majority of this clearance and cleaning had been achieved. Few inhabitants of Bellencombre imagined that one day, their castle would see the light of day ! We were always by visitors to continue the good work..

Our work was followed with interest and encouragement by Professor Jacques Le maho. Since 2019, goats have helped us to maintain the progress made by our wonderful volunteers. The program for the autulocation of the mn/winter of 2019/2020 saw clearance of the slopes to the upper and lower baileys. When the work of clearance of the upper bailey is complete, two masts will be planted in the supposed location of the original keep. One will carry the standart of St Olaf cross of Normandy, the other the Warren standart.

Croix d'Olaf 

The team of volunteers and archeologists on the site in January 2020
Since 2019, goats have helped us to clean the moat and the slopes of the upper bailey
haute cour
The lower bailey and the upper bailey on the right
during the winter of 2019
Drapeau Normand
Since summer 2018, the Normand flag has flown over the castle
Mur basse-cour
The winter of 2019-2020 was concentrated on cleaning the walls of the lower bailey
PThe ground surrounding the original church in summer 2017

The walls of the lower bailey appear after the removal of the ivy in summer 2017